Posts in Sustainable Fashion
6 Sustainable and Cost Effective Ways to Refresh Your Wardrobe This Spring

When reached out to me for a tip to refresh your wardrobe, I couldn’t stop at one. There are so many great ways to keep your wardrobe fresh and, if you know me at all, they are not going to be a list of new colors and trends you need to buy for spring. Nope. These are all tips that can be done sustainably and economically.

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Read This Before You Recreate That Capsule Wardrobe

One evening you are scrolling through Instagram or Pinterest and you see it. The answer to all of your wardrobe struggles: The Capsule wardrobe. It’s simple, everything matches and there are only 10 to 30 pieces.

These capsule wardrobes are organized, aesthetically pleasing and incredibly soothing to the eye. Shown in perfectly folded flat lay outfits or hung on a minimalist clothing rack, they are gleaming, fresh examples of how our lives could be.

So, what’s the problem? Why am I putting a pause on you from buying thousands of dollars of wardrobe staples to create your perfect capsule wardrobe?  Let’s unpack scrolling versus reality.

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8 Fall Trends to Thrift Now

Fall is here and the cooler weather has us all thinking about our wardrobes. What are we going to want to wear this fall? Is the pumpkin spice/apple picking/plaid look still a thing? How do we up our game while still keeping cozy and warm this season? What are we wearing to work now that we are back in the office?

All very valid questions.

Here is what I am seeing out there for REAL fall fashion. These are the looks that I think most of us would enjoy wearing, might already have in our closets or could easily thrift. Or, as I like to say Easy to wear, Easy on the wallet and Easy on the earth.

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What Does Sustainable Fashion Look Like?

Six years ago, during an attempt to start a small, local fashion design company, I was hit with the realities of the business of fashion. Labor and material costs alone were a huge hurdle. How was it possible that I could buy a t-shirt for $5 at the mall? A bit of research and a lot of curiosity led me to the dark truths of fast fashion. I found myself sickened at what the fashion business had become and quickly obsessed with the concept of sustainable fashion.

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The Patchwork Quilted Jacket: Is it more than just a trend?

The patchwork quilt evokes feelings of coziness and warmth. It reminds us our loved ones and simpler times. It is no wonder, that in a time of isolation and uncertainty that the patchwork quilted coat started popping up all over social media. Who wouldn’t want to wear something that keeps them warm, a little nostalgic and helps them feel a little closer to grandma?

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5 Ways To Make Your Wardrobe More Sustainable

You may not have heard the term “Fast Fashion” but you have definitely seen it. It is the lightning fast process in which a design hits the runway, gets mass produced, shipped to the stores, purchased, worn a few times, and then discarded. It is the reason we have stores packed with cheap, low quality clothing that change almost daily. 

Like “fast food,” fast fashion is anything but healthy. For starters, fashion is one of the most polluting industries in the world.

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