Posts in Capsule Wardrobes
Read This Before You Recreate That Capsule Wardrobe

One evening you are scrolling through Instagram or Pinterest and you see it. The answer to all of your wardrobe struggles: The Capsule wardrobe. It’s simple, everything matches and there are only 10 to 30 pieces.

These capsule wardrobes are organized, aesthetically pleasing and incredibly soothing to the eye. Shown in perfectly folded flat lay outfits or hung on a minimalist clothing rack, they are gleaming, fresh examples of how our lives could be.

So, what’s the problem? Why am I putting a pause on you from buying thousands of dollars of wardrobe staples to create your perfect capsule wardrobe?  Let’s unpack scrolling versus reality.

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The Search For The Best Levi's Shorts

I have been on the hunt for the best denim shorts for years now. Don’t get me wrong I like my old pair, I made them myself many years ago out of a pair of old Levi’s, but they are low-waisted and make me feel a bit schlumpy. So, even though I would much rather find a super cool pair of high-waisted vintage jean shorts, I am facing the fact that my magic thrifting touch is not going to save me this time. A night of researching and reading reviews left me with 8 pairs of shorts delivered to my door in a few days. Here is what I learned:

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What Does Your Fall Capsule Wardrobe Look Like?

Hello! I hope everyone had a great summer. I had plenty of time to unplug and relax and now I am back and ready to serve up some fall style!

My favorite way to take on a new season is to play mix and match with items in my wardrobe and create as many outfits as possible. I remember countless hours of my childhood playing “dress up” out of my own closet. How can I wear my hot pink kitty sweatshirt with my bright blue high top Reeboks?

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Do I need a Personal Style Uniform?

The idea of a “uniform” is getting a lot of attention in the fashion world lately. There doesn’t seem to be a real consensus on what a personal style uniform is, but reading through the articles it feels something like this…

A handful of coordinating neutral basics hanging in a roomy all white closet. Instagrammable street style star outfits every day. Happiness. Control. Organization. Minimalism. Never ever having to ask yourself “what am I going to wear” again.

Seductive, right?

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