Levi’s have been promising that their Wedgie Fit Jeans will give us the cheekiest butt since 2016. Apparently, the deeper “V” yoke and the placement of the pockets on the Levi’s Wedgie Fit Jean are “designed to show off your assets.”
Read MoreLast summer I did something and today I am ready to talk about it.
I signed up for Stitch Fix.
I know. I am a wardrobe stylist. Isn’t that like a chef signing up for Blue Apron? Maybe, but I was just too curious about the service. Why is it so popular? What are the clothes like? Does it work? I mean, their advertising on social media is pretty darn good. So, I signed up and I am finally ready to review my experience.
Read MoreThe patchwork quilt evokes feelings of coziness and warmth. It reminds us our loved ones and simpler times. It is no wonder, that in a time of isolation and uncertainty that the patchwork quilted coat started popping up all over social media. Who wouldn’t want to wear something that keeps them warm, a little nostalgic and helps them feel a little closer to grandma?
Read MoreI have been known to wear the same earrings for months. Yes, thank you, that is very minimalist of me and definitely in the spirit of a jewelry capsule collection, but let’s admit it, it is also pretty boring. So, in the era of zoom meetings and well, boredom, I have decided that it is time to up my jewelry game.
I scoured all of the jewelry trend articles and runway looks and found my favorites. There is zero percent chance I will be rocking any of these looks literally, but I plan to take inspiration and I hope you might enjoy doing the same. Because, if jewelry is not fun, why do it?
Read MoreIt is January in Vermont. I am looking out my window as I write and everything is gray. You know when you are craving something and instead of just having a bite you have the whole damn thing, and then maybe another? Well, that is what I am feeling about color right now. Yes, a little red would be nice, but I want Red AND Turquoise and I want A LOT of it. Enter my first blog of 2021 and it is all about COLOR CLASH.
Light me up sweet unexpected color combinations. Please chase away the gray.
Do you remember what you wore those first few weeks of the pandemic? I sure do. I lived in sweats and my showering schedule got iffy. My two goals were to find toilet paper and transition my kids to online school. Everything else, including my love of fashion, took a back seat. I was not alone in my complete disregard for fashion and basic upkeep. Celebrities were embracing greasy hair and unwashed clothing, while influencers were quiet, not quite sure who or what they should be influencing. For many of us staying at home, the pressure to look good went out the window. For those of us who were still working, what we wore was low on the list of concerns.
Read MoreI have been on the hunt for the best denim shorts for years now. Don’t get me wrong I like my old pair, I made them myself many years ago out of a pair of old Levi’s, but they are low-waisted and make me feel a bit schlumpy. So, even though I would much rather find a super cool pair of high-waisted vintage jean shorts, I am facing the fact that my magic thrifting touch is not going to save me this time. A night of researching and reading reviews left me with 8 pairs of shorts delivered to my door in a few days. Here is what I learned:
Read MoreYou may not have heard the term “Fast Fashion” but you have definitely seen it. It is the lightning fast process in which a design hits the runway, gets mass produced, shipped to the stores, purchased, worn a few times, and then discarded. It is the reason we have stores packed with cheap, low quality clothing that change almost daily.
Like “fast food,” fast fashion is anything but healthy. For starters, fashion is one of the most polluting industries in the world.
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